Three Sisters Kitchen ReFresh Newsletter 5-29-24

Welcome to your 9th ReFresh newsletter of the season! We hope you’ve been enjoying your spring so far and already looking forward to summer.
In this newsletter, you will find: 
– The ReFresh post-survey flier.
– Information about Garlic Scapes  and its health benefits in the “Featured Bag Item” section.
 – Learn more about how to manage tomato pests  in the “Gardening” section.
– A few simple recipes that you can make with the fresh ingredients in your ReFresh bag.
–  Information for Ruth’s Closet, the Bernalillo County Free lunch program and Together 4 Brothers programs in the “Community Resource” section.
We hope you enjoy this newsletter and thank you for your participation as we work together to build a healthy local food system.
LAST ReFresh distribution: 6/12/24 and 6/13/24
Text your questions, photos, and comments to: ‪(505) 226-3707‬.

Featured bag Item

What are Garlic Scapes and what are its health benefits? 

Garlic Scapes are the stalks that grow from the bulbs of hardneck garlic plants. If left unharvested, they will bloom flowers once the garlic plant fully matures. If harvested before they flower, these edible green stalks are a palliative cross between a scallion and a clove of garlic. Garlic scapes are a good source of manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and selenium. They have also been linked to health benefits like lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, boosting the immune system, preventing heart illnesses and various types of cancer.
Check out this Garlic Scape Pesto Recipe!  
Have more questions about food and nutrition? Send your questions to [email protected]
Disclaimer: The information shared by Three Sisters Kitchen (TSK) is for general informational purposes only, and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by a doctor or other health care provider.
Photo by [CountrySide ]


Recipes We Love

  • This Sauteed Sugar Snap Pea recipe is simple and delicious! It can be served as a side dish and is a good source of vitamin C and fiber, which are important for immunity and gut health.

  • These Roasted Garlic Scapes recipes are great for summer.  Use garlic scapes like you use asparagus. Sauté them and add them to pastas, salads, as a topping for any protein (chopped and mixed with a little fresh garlic clove), and they are great as a side dish. You can also make a garlic scape pesto out of them. Use them raw in stir fries or roast them! You can only find them in early summer so grab them while you can at your local farmer’s markets.

  • Herb fennel is versatile and is delicious. You can add chopped fennel to homemade pesto, add to salsas, or mix in homemade salad dressings for an added hit of flavor and freshness. Fennel is beneficial for digestion because of its plant compound and fiber content. 

Community Resources

Ruth’s Closet

Ruth’s Closet is a clothing Boutique inside of Mesa View United Methodist worship center located on the Westside on the corner of Taylor Ranch Rd and Montano at 4701 Montano.  The boutique provides new and used clothing, handbags and toiletry items to women in need no matter what they are transitioning from–no questions asked. 
Bernalillo County Summer Lunch Program

Starting June 3rd, free meals will be served on-site during the summer months for children and teens ages 1-18 at over 40 site locations. No registration required.   
Together 4 Brothers

Self- identified boys and young men are welcome to learn about clean transit, environmental justice and leadership with Summer With the Brothers for six weeks, starting in June. Register at

This week your Refresh bag will include many of the following delicious fresh and staple items:
*NM grown / NM made We raise money to purchase these foods from local farmers and food producers as a concrete way to invest in our local food system and get delicious, fresh, local food to our ReFresh families. Keep an eye out for these local farms and food businesses when you do your food shopping. ReFresh bags will always include local food items.
Special thanks to all of the farmers and food producers working so hard to feed our communities; to the staff, volunteers, donors, and ReFresh families who make the program work, and to our partners at MoGro who pack these beautiful ReFresh bags each week for us, and who do so much important work connecting communities to healthy food throughout New Mexico. There would be no ReFresh program without all of you – we love our partners
– All of us at Three Sisters Kitchen