Three Sisters Kitchen ReFresh Newsletter 5-1-24

Welcome to your seventh ReFresh newsletter of the season. It’s time to grow!  
In this newsletter, you will find: 
– Information about Tarragon and its health benefits in the “Featured Bag Item” section.
 – Learn more about building a tomato trellis in the “Gardening” section. 
– A few simple recipes that you can make with the fresh ingredients in your ReFresh bag! 
–  Check out the information for the Birds are Real, Rio Grande Food Project Spanish Nutrition Classes and Ballroom Dancing classes in the “Community Resource” section.
We hope you enjoy this newsletter and thank you for your participation as we work together to build a healthy local food system.
Text your questions, photos, and comments to: ‪(505) 226-3707‬.

Featured Bag Item

What is Tarragon and what are its health benefits? 
Tarragon is a leafy green herb that has a subtle flavor of licorice and citrus tastes. This herb adds a refreshing taste to many recipes, it can be used in salad dressings, sauces, fish, chicken, and vegetables. You can use it fresh or dried if you use it fresh it should be used raw or added towards the end of the cooking stage. 
Health Benefits to Tarragon: 
  • Aids in healthy digestion, this can help relieve digestive problems. It helps the liver produce bile and has been used in traditional remedies to rid of intestinal worms. 
  • Promotes heart health because it contains rutin which can help to improve circulation and reduce plaque in the arteries. 
  • Helps to lower blood sugar. 
  • Improves sleep quality. Drinking tarragon tea after a stressful day promotes better sleep. 
  • Tarragon may also be used for medicinal purposes to help treat colds, flu, and menstrual discomfort. 
Storage: Fresh tarragon can be stored in the fridge for 4-5 days and can be frozen for up to five months. Storing fresh tarragon, washing the herbs, wrapping them in a damp paper towel, putting them in a perforated bag, and storing them in the fridge. 
Try this Smashed Cucumber Salad with Butter Beans and Tarragon Recipe
Have more questions about food and nutrition? Send your questions to [email protected]
Disclaimer: The information shared by Three Sisters Kitchen (TSK) is for general informational purposes only, and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by a doctor or other health care provider.
Recipe by Food & Wine


Recipes We Love

  • Try this White Wine Tarragon Vinaigrette this dish is refreshing in the spring and summer time and is simple to put together with the needed essential healthy nutrients.
  • Try this Cucumber Radish Salad it is loaded with healthy ingredients that are crispy and refreshing in the summertime. This is a great Mediterranean recipe that is loaded with fresh flavors.

Recipes by 1) ShowFoodChef  , 2) Summer Miller, 3) Vegetarian Times

Community Resources

Birds are Real at the Valle De Oro Refuge
Birds are Real at the Valle De Oro Refuge Bring your family and friends to enjoy a beautiful morning walk from 8:30-10:30 am. Join community members Haley and Emi for a morning bird walk. Learn about birds and nature as you walk along the Rio Grande River. Walk is followed by New Mexico native bird themed linoleum printing. Register by emailing [email protected]
Rio Grande Food Project Spanish Nutrition Classes


Ballroom Dancing

Have fun while getting exercise ballroom dancing at the Raymond Sanchez Community Center for free on Thursdays from 6-8pm.

This week’s ReFresh bag:

This week your Refresh bag will include many of the following delicious fresh and staple items:
*NM grown / NM made We raise money to purchase these foods from local farmers and food producers as a concrete way to invest in our local food system and get delicious, fresh, local food to our ReFresh families. Keep an eye out for these local farms and food businesses when you do your food shopping. ReFresh bags will always include local food items.
Special thanks to all of the farmers and food producers working so hard to feed our communities; to the staff, volunteers, donors, and ReFresh families who make the program work, and to our partners at MoGro who pack these beautiful ReFresh bags each week for us, and who do so much important work connecting communities to healthy food throughout New Mexico. There would be no ReFresh program without all of you – we love our partners
– All of us at Three Sisters Kitchen