Three Sisters Kitchen ReFresh Newsletter 1-13-21

Welcome to your first ReFresh newsletter of 2021! We hope you had a wonderful holiday and a great start to the new year!
In this newsletter, you will find:
– ReFresh calendar
– Learn more about radishes and their health benefits in “Ask a Registered Dietitian.” with Lisa.
–  Submit your home gardening questions to Tiana in the “Ask a Farmer” section.
– A few simple recipes that you can make with the fresh ingredients in your ReFresh bag!
–  Check out the community resource section for Grab And Go meals provided by Albuquerque Public Schools.
We hope you enjoy this newsletter and thank you for your participation as we work together to create a healthy local food system.
Next ReFresh distribution: 1/27/21
Text your questions, photos, and comments to: ‪(505) 226-3707‬.

Delivery/Pick-up             Online cooking class

Ask a Regsitered Dietetian
With Lisa Chen

What are radishes and what are their health benefits?

Radishes are root vegetables like carrots and turnips. There are different types of radishes, including daikon radish, black radish, easter egg radish, etc, that come in lots of colors, shapes, and sizes. Radishes taste peppery when eaten raw, which results from a compound called glucosinolate. Glucosinolate is beneficial for blood sugar control.

You can roast radishes, add them to the soup, or eat them raw in a salad or tacos. Check out this recipe for simple oven-roasted radishes. You can also roast carrots, squash, or other root vegetables with the radishes- just be sure to cut them in the same sizes, so they cook evenly.
Do you have a question about food and nutrition?
Send your questions to [email protected].
Disclaimer: The information shared by Three Sisters Kitchen (TSK) is for general informational purposes only, and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by a doctor or other health care provider.
Photo by Food Hero

Ask a Farmer
With Farmer Tiana Baca

Recipes We Love!

  • This Kabocha squash soup recipe is a great comfort for a cold night. You can substitute the chicken broth with vegetable stock and substitute milk with plant-based milk. Feel free to sprinkle some shredded cheese on top. Enjoy!
  • This corn pancake recipe is a great option for a breakfast or snack. You can substitute milk with plant-based milk. Feel free to sprinkle some shredded cheese on top. Remember to choose a low-sodium or canned corn in water to reduce the sodium content if you choose to use canned corn.
Photos by 1) The Spruce Eats, 2) The Food Hero

Community Resources
With Blythe Maunders

Beginning January 8th, all APS schools will be distributing free grab and go meals three days each week. To see the list of sites and times click here. The link also provides guidelines for families joining in the program as well as a map of all participating APS schools. Remember to wear a mask and practice social distancing while picking up meals!

This week your Refresh bag will include many of the following delicious fresh and staple items:
* NM grown / NM made. We raise money to purchase these foods from local farmers and food producers as a concrete way to invest in our local food system and get delicious, fresh, local food to our ReFresh families. Keep an eye out for these local farms and food businesses when you do your food shopping. ReFresh boxes will always include local food items.

Thank You!

Special thanks to all of the farmers and food producers working so hard to feed our communities; our partner organizations who helped to recruit ReFresh families: Kids Cook!, YES Housing, Together for Brothers, SWOP, Centro Savila, and Mandy’s Farm; to the staff, volunteers, donors, and ReFresh families who make the program work, and to our partners at MoGro Mobile Grocery, who pack these beautiful ReFresh bags each week for us, and who do so much important work connecting communities to healthy food throughout New Mexico. There would be no ReFresh program without all of you – we love our partners!
– All of us at Three Sisters Kitchen
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