Three Sisters Kitchen ReFresh Newsletter-05-31-23

Three Sisters Kitchen ReFresh Newsletter

Welcome to your ninth ReFresh newsletter of the season!
In this newsletter, you will find:
– Learn more about mushrooms in the “Featured Bag Item” section.
– Learn about building a tomato trellis in the “Ask a Farmer” section.
– A few simple recipes that you can make with the fresh ingredients in your ReFresh bag!
– Check out the information for the Explora Farm Camp, La Cosecha CSA, and Seed To Supper online class in the “Community Resource” section.
We hope you enjoy this newsletter and thank you for your participation as we work together to build a healthy local food system.
LAST ReFresh distribution: 6/14/23 and 6/15/23
Text your questions, photos, and comments to: ‪(505) 226-3707‬.

Featured Bag Item

Mushrooms and their health benefits
Mushrooms come in different shapes, textures, and colors. There are oyster mushrooms, Lion’s Mane, Shitake, crimini, beech, and more! Some simple ways to cook them are to pan-sear, saute, grill, and add to soups. For storage, you can put them in a porous paper bag in the refrigerator. This will keep the mushrooms fresh for up to a week. For handling, brush off the dirt on them then rinse briefly under cold running water and pad dry with paper towels. Mushrooms come with protein, fiber, B vitamins, and other nutrients that are beneficial to gut health and overall health.

Check out this vegetable stir-fry with mushrooms and peas. You can also stir-fry turnips and sunflower sprouts and sprinkle some chopped spring onions on top of this stir-fry dish.
Disclaimer: The information shared by Three Sisters Kitchen (TSK) is for general informational purposes only, and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by a doctor or other health care provider.

Ask a Farmer

Recipes We Love!

  • Lemon-mint sugar snap peas 
    This dish is a great summer snack or side dish that comes with protein, fiber, and vitamin C! You can substitute the margarine with low-sodium butter or vegetable oil.


  • Quick pickled turnips 
    This recipe is a quick and easy way to cook turnips. You can add pickled turnips to a sandwich, as a snack, or in salads.
  • Chico stew
    Chicos are dried sweet corn that have a longer shelf life. You can add turnips and potatoes to the stew when cooking. Please note, the oil in this recipe is probably 2 TB of oil.
    Recipes by 1)Diabetes Foodhub, 2), Eating Well  3), Edible New Mexico (recipe originally adapted from PNM Cocinas Cookbook)

Community Resources

Explora Farm Camp
2023 La Cosecha CSA
Seed To Supper Online Class

This week your Refresh bag will include many of the following delicious fresh and staple items:

* NM grown / NM made. We raise money to purchase these foods from local farmers and food producers as a concrete way to invest in our local food system and get delicious, fresh, local food to our ReFresh families. Keep an eye out for these local farms and food businesses when you do your food shopping. ReFresh boxes will always include local food items.

Thank You!

Special thanks to all of the farmers and food producers working so hard to feed our communities; our partner organizations who helped to recruit ReFresh families: Crossroads for Women, Kids’ Cook, SWOP, Supportive Housing Coalition of New Mexico, Together for Brothers, Mandy’s Farm, New Mexico Asian Family Center, and YES Housing; to the staff, volunteers, donors, and ReFresh families who make the program work, and to our partners at MoGro Mobile Grocery, who pack these beautiful ReFresh bags each week for us, and who do so much important work connecting communities to healthy food throughout New Mexico. There would be no ReFresh program without all of you – we love our partners!
– All of us at Three Sisters Kitchen
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